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Our team and contributors

Our team at HealthExpress are diverse and robust, working with an aim to make healthcare more inclusive and understandable. We range from licensed medical professionals to expert content writers.

Our team of medical professionals

We’re proud to have a dedicated team of professionals from various healthcare specialities. Our professionals include:

  1. Fully licensed UK and EU doctors
  2. Experienced pharmacists
  3. Registered nutritionists

With their medical background, they ensure that our created content is accurate - providing reliable facts to our readers.

A group of people sitting around a table in a meeting

Our selection and training processes

Our content writers are carefully selected and trained to produce credible and informative material.

Not only must they be highly knowledgeable - they must also possess the skill to take complex medical information and reshape it into an understandable format. Here is a brief insight into the process:

Woman typing on keyboard near a magnifying glass


Our selection process comprises three steps:

  1. Screening: We rigorously screen our applicants based on their qualifications, experience, and writing exemplars
  2. Interview: Candidates that pass the screening stage undergo a comprehensive interview to assess their medical knowledge, ethical values, and commitment to our mission.
  3. Onboarding: Once selected, contributors are introduced to our work culture, content creation process, and high standards for producing reliable health information.


Once onboard, the learning process continues:

  1. Healthcare training: Our writers are regularly updated on the latest health trends, research, and guidelines to ensure they provide current and accurate information.
  2. Content creation training: They receive instruction on how to present complex medical information in a reader-friendly manner, making it digestible for individuals with varying levels of medical knowledge.

Through our careful selection and training processes, we can ensure that HealthExpress remains a trusted platform delivering accurate and user-friendly information.

Man giving presentation to an attentive audience

Upholding trust and accuracy

At HealthExpress, we want to uphold your trust and ensure the accuracy of the information we provide. We understand the significant role we play in guiding your health decisions and are fully committed to providing verifiable content.

Magnifying glass beside a stack of books

Commitment to high content standards

At HealthExpress we strive to maintain high content standards. This involves:

  1. Reputable sources: Our content creators make sure to rely on reputable medical journals, research studies and governmental health organisations.
  2. Fact verification: Before publishing, every piece of information goes through multiple rounds of fact-checking. This step is critical to eliminate errors and maintain our content’s credibility.
  3. Objectivity: Our content aims to inform, not persuade. We maintain a neutral stance, presenting balanced views without favouring a specific brand, product, or service.

Inclusive and empathetic content

In addition to accuracy, our content is created with empathy and a focus on inclusion. We believe that healthcare should be accessible to everyone, and that principle guides our approach to content creation.

  1. Accessible language: We utilise simple language and always explain complex medical terms in an easy-to-understand manner. This allows individuals of various backgrounds and levels of medical knowledge to benefit from our content.
  2. Diverse content: Our platform caters to a broad audience. We strive to create content that addresses various health concerns, regardless of how common or rare they are.
  3. Empathy: We understand that health-related topics can be sensitive. Our team of writers and editors ensure the content is written with care, considering the feelings and perspectives of our readers.
Doctors discussing papers around a table

Our content monitoring and updating process

The health industry is in a constant state of flux, with new findings and advancements appearing regularly. Therefore, it’s vital for us at HealthExpress to ensure our content remains as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

Doctor using a laptop

Regular content audits

Our first line of defence in preserving content relevancy and accuracy is our system of regular content audits.

  1. Content review: Our professional team revisits published content to verify it against the most current medical guidelines and research.
  2. Fact verification: Each fact mentioned in our content is reassessed for validity.
  3. Readability check: A readability assessment is performed to ensure that content remains understandable for our broad audience.

Responsiveness to feedback

We appreciate and actively sought out user feedback at HealthExpress. It is a vital tool for improving our content quality.

  1. Feedback reception: We encourage users to share their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns about our content.
  2. Analysis and action: We don’t let your feedback go unnoticed. Our team analyses it and takes the necessary action to enhance our content based on your insights.
  3. Acknowledgement: We believe in acknowledging any changes made in response to feedback, allowing you to see how your input impacts our platform.
Man and woman smiling while using a laptop together

By integrating regular content audits and being responsive to feedback, we ensure that our content is not just accurate at the time of publication, but remains accurate and relevant in the long run.

In summary

HealthExpress is dedicated to providing trustworthy information that is also accessible and user-friendly. We work hard to ensure that our content meets the highest standards of credibility.

Our aim is to provide access from the touch of a button, no matter where you are. It is our mission to make healthcare inclusive and reliable for all.

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