• Customer Service Team available now: Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00
  • CSR and ESG Goals

This committee has a formal set of Terms of Reference and has the authority and responsibility to address the following areas:

Environmental protection

Environmental Protection

  • Reducing our environmental footprint
  • Minimising environmental impact
  • Off-setting the impact of operations

Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Responsible employer
  • Employee empowerment and participation in organisational culture
  • Workforce well-being
    • Working conditions
    • Health and safety
    • Human rights and modern slavery
  • Community engagement and participation
  • Social equity and inclusion
  • Social sustainability
Corporate Social Responsibility
Ethical and Integrity Governance

Ethical and Integrity Governance

  • Ethical and transparent business practices
  • Principles of corporate and clinical governance
  • Cybersecurity
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Supply chain management

We firmly believe that our combined CSR and ESG plan is fundamental to our long-term success and sustainability. By adhering to this plan, we aim to make a positive and lasting impact on the environment, our employees, our customers and the communities we serve, as well as all of our stakeholders.

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