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Buy NuvaRing after completing our online consultation for contraception

3 months (3 rings) (£54.99)

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3 months (3 rings) £54.99

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More information about NuvaRing

What is the NuvaRing?

NuvaRing is the brand name of a small, flexible vaginal ring approved by the FDA to be used as an effective contraceptive method to prevent pregnancy. As a small circular ring at about 2 inches in diameter, it is soft and can be squeezed into a smaller shape, making it easier to insert into the vagina. It is inserted for a 3 week duration followed by a one week break. It is clinically proven to be just as effective as the contraceptive pill with over 98% effectiveness as a method of birth control.

How does the NuvaRing work?

The Nuvaring works in a similar way to contraceptive pills, releasing a steady dose of hormones (synthetic oestrogen and progestogen) in the form of ethinylestradiol and etonogestrel. These hormones work together to prevent pregnancy in three ways:

  • It stops the egg from being released from the ovaries (ovulation)
  • It prevents sperm from reaching the womb by thickening the cervix mucus
  • It thins the lining of the womb making it difficult for an egg to attach itself and grow

This three-way form of protection has been proven to give you near total protection against pregnancy if used correctly. As with any contraception, if you miss a dosage, effectiveness will alter.

Chemical composition of etonogestrel

What are the benefits of NuvaRing?

Whilst the Nuvaring is the lesser-known form of hormonal contraception, it is still 99% effective against pregnancy proven in clinical trials. The main aim is obviously to stop conception, however like most contraceptive methods, there are additional pluses:

  • Low maintenance - Once inserted, you can forget about it for three weeks until it is time for your 7-day break.
  • Less problematic - Unlike oral contraceptive tablets, if you fall ill and experience diarrhoea or vomiting, the ring's effectiveness is not compromised.
  • Safe and effective - Up to 99.7% effective and clinically proven to be harmless to use.
  • May improve skin condition - Just like the combined pills, many women notice skin improvements due to the adjustment in hormones.
  • Can regulate your period - the NuvaRing can sometimes improve irregular periods and associated symptoms, offering stability.
  • Can reduce risk of certain cancers - Both endometrial and ovarian cancer risks can be reduced when using the vaginal ring.
  • Can help reduce acne
  • Helps to reduce bad menstrual cramps

How do you use the NuvaRing?

The NuvaRing is easy to use and is inserted in place for three weeks before being removed for a week. Keep it in place for three weeks in a row. More details on how to use the ring include:

  • Beginning your contraception in-between the first to fifth day of your period will offer you immediate protection.
  • If you choose to insert the vaginal ring five days after your period, then a backup contraceptive, such as a condom, is needed for seven days till full coverage starts.
  • If you're switching from the combined pill to the NuvaRing and are certain you're not pregnant, you can start it any day you please.
Remove the vaginal ring from its packaging and choose a position that is comfortable for you. Squeeze it between your thumb and index finger and gently push into your vagina until it feel comfortable NuvaRing can be positioned anywhere inside the vagina.

This contraceptive method can be should be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight and if it isn't suitably positioned it can be pushed in a little further until it is. The ring will not go missing and once inserted, the ring will remain in the vagina for 21 days, after which you will need to remove the ring for a 7-day break

To remove the NuvaRing:

  • Make a hook with your index ring and pull it gently out.
  • Don't flush down the toilet, but dispose in the bin in the foil wrapper
  • The NuvaRing insertion and removal should never be any pain or bleeding. If so, remove the ring and contact your GP
  • You can use tampons whilst using the ring and having sex without any damage to your health

During your 7-day break, you may experience a withdrawal bleed similar to a period, but you will still be fully protected. You must insert your new ring one week after to remain fully protected. Inserting the NuvaRing late will lessen the effectiveness rate and you will need to use additional barrier protection for 7 days after. It's also worth noting that you cannot use the cervical cap, diaphragm and sponge along with the ring.

If you have had unprotected sex, or haven't used the vaginal ring correctly, you will need to seek alternative contraception.

What if I forget to take out the NuvaRing?

If it's less than 7 days over (1-6 days over the 3 weeks, so up to 28 days altogether) take the ring out and have the 7-day break as normal. You are still protected. You may experience spotting, but women who don't want their periods do keep the vaginal ring in for an additional week before changing straight away so this isn't harmful to your health.

If it is more than 7 days over (over 28 days altogether) take the ring out and put a new ring in straight away. You may not be protected. Use additional barrier protection for an additional 7 days and consider emergency contraception if you've had sex in the days you should have been on a break.

What if it comes out?

Known as expulsion, this may occasionally happen and if so, wash the Nuvaring in cool or lukewarm water and insert again as soon as possible. If it has been out of your vagina for more than 48 hours, you will need to use barrier contraception for a further 7 days.

  • If it has fallen out in the first or second week - you can rinse and put back in (use additional protection)
  • If it has fallen out in the third week - don't put it back in and either put a new ring in for the next 3 weeks or continue with the seven-day break (use additional protection)

What is the dosage/strength of the NuvaRing?

The NuvaRing contains both synthetic oestrogen and progestogen hormones; ethinylestradiol/etonogestrel in the strength of 120mcg and 15mcg respectively. This is the optimum dosage that has been clinically trialled, allowing for optimum effectiveness with minimum risk to health and side effects.

What are the potential side effects of the NuvaRing?

The NuvaRing contraceptive vaginal ring has been noted to be well tolerated for the vast majority of women. As with all prescription medication though, there is always a slight possibility of experiencing side certain side effects. With regards to the vaginal ring, although not common, some side effects may include:

  • abdominal pain,
  • breast tenderness
  • nausea
  • bleeding
  • spotting between periods.

Other infrequent side effects include increased vaginal discharge and/or irritation, a change in libido or mood changes.

In rare cases more serious side effects may occur such as blurring vision, jaundice, migraines, blood clots or heart attack. If any of these occur, ensure you see your healthcare provider or doctor as soon as possible, to ensure the vaginal ring is not affecting you negatively in the long run and what alternatives there may be.

If you do experience anything severe e.g. lump on your breast, a severe headache or migraine, or a sharp pain especially in the chest or abdomen then it is advised that you contact your doctor as soon as you can.

What are the interactions/precautions to be aware of when using the NuvaRing?

This vaginal ring is suitable for most women over the age of 18 seeking an alternative to the contraceptive pills or patch. However, before you buy this contraceptive ring, it is important to be aware of its suitability. It may be considered unsuitable for use if you:

  • Are 35 or over
  • Smoke
  • Are overweight
  • Have a history of conditions such as high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke or have heart or circulatory problems
  • Have a family history of the above
  • Have been immobile for a long period of time
  • Had breast cancer
  • Have long-term migraines

Ensure you speak with your doctor or healthcare provider to understand what alternatives may be suitable for you, its effects on your health and the possibility of using this contraceptive method.

Certain medication may reduce the effective of this vaginal ring, therefore it is important that the doctor is informed of the use of the following during the online consultation:

  • rifampin
  • griseofulvin
  • St John's Wort
  • HIV medication
  • acetaminophen
  • high cholesterol medication

Certain studies have shown that the prolonged use of the NuvaRing over a certain amount of years can increase the chances of a blood clot in women compared to those who use the standard combined contraceptive pills. It is therefore important that you check with your doctor first and take the necessary precautionary measures to ensure that the NuvaRing is the best contraceptive option for you.

Using the vagina ring after pregnancy

It is possible to become pregnant again three weeks after giving birth, so researching your contraceptive options is important. In terms of using the vaginal ring, this will depend on whether you are breastfeeding or not.

If you aren't breastfeeding, you can use the contraceptive ring four weeks after giving birth vaginally. If you are breastfeeding, you will need to wait at least six weeks as the NuvaRing can affect breast milk. There are also other contributing factors that could mean the ring isn't right for you after your pregnancy including obesity, age, whether you've had a C-section or a history of blood clots to name a few. It is always essential to speak to your GP before opting for a contraceptive method post-birth, whether this is the NuvaRing or any other option.

The only contraception that will protect against STIs is barrier methods such as condoms, which are 98% effective when used correctly. The NuvaRing will protect against pregnancy but cannot protect you against sexually transmitted infections. If you have an STI, treatment is available online or if you are concerned you have an STI, visit a sexual health clinic for testing.

How can I buy NuvaRing online?

The NuvaRing vaginal ring is available to buy here at HealthExpress safely and quickly. To ensure your safety and so that we can provide a prescription for this birth control method, we ask that you fill out our quick online consultation. If approved, the treatment is dispatched through our express delivery service the next day.

NuvaRing info
Product nameNuvaRing
Active ingredient(s)Ethinylestradiol and Etonogestrel
Lowest price£54.99
Trustpilot rating4.7/5
Trustpilot reviews107
AvailabilityIn stock
DescriptionNuvaring is a combined contraceptive ring that offers almost complete protection against pregnancy
ExemptionSubject to medical prescription
Available dosage(s)0.12mg, 0.015mg
ApplicationOffering protection against pregnancy for women over 18
UsageInsert ring for 3 weeks followed by a 7 day break
Drug classCombined vaginal rings
Alcohol consumptionNo influence
Breastfeeding/pregnancyNot recommended, ask your doctor for alternatives

Note: Decisions about treatment are for both the prescriber and the person to jointly consider during the consultation. However, the final decision will always be the prescriber’s.

NuvaRing FAQs

What is in NuvaRing?

NuvaRing contains two hormones: etonogestrel and ethinylestradiol.

Can you get pregnant with NuvaRing?

If used correctly, the NuvaRing is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Can you buy NuvaRing over the counter?

No, NuvaRing is only available with a valid prescription which you can obtain from your doctor or online from an accredited healthcare provider, like HealthExpress.

When should I start NuvaRing?

You should insert the NuvaRing on the first day of your period for it to be effective straight away. You may also insert on days 2 or 5 of your cycle but you may need to use a barrier contraceptive for 7 days until the NuvaRing is fully effective.

When should you insert the NuvaRing?

You should insert the NuvaRing once every 3 weeks, allowing a week between each insertion for a withdrawal bleed.

Can you feel the NuvaRing?

No, whilst some women may be aware of the NuvaRing in their vagina, most women cannot feel it once it's in place. It may move around slightly in the vagina, this is normal, but if you feel any kind of discomfort it may mean the NuvaRing isn't fully inserted and you should adjust it. If you're unsure, speak to your doctor.

Can you take out NuvaRing during intercourse?

No, taking it out before the end of the 3 weeks may alter its effectivness. If you want to be prevent conception, you must keep the NuvaRing in for 3 weeks to ensure it's effective.

Does NuvaRing cause blood clots?

NuvaRing and other forms of hormonal contraceptives have a slight increased risk of blood clots. You may be at an increased risk if you smoke, are overweight or have high blood pressure so you should always discuss the benefits and risks of any contraception with your doctor.

Does NuvaRing make you pee a lot?

Yes, an uncommon side effect of NuvaRing is more frequent urination. However, there are several underlying conditions that could cause more frequent urination so it's best to consult your healthcare provider to ensure it's nothing else.

Does NuvaRing cause migraines?

Yes, headaches and migraine are known side effect of the NuvaRing. However, if you are experiencing persistent or unusual migraines that are getting worse, you should speak to your doctor as soon as possible.

Can you bleed with NuvaRing in?

While you may experience breakthrough bleeding whilst you have the NuvaRing in, you should not experience any persistent bleeding a part from during your ring-free week. If you frequently experience bleeding whilst using the NuvaRing, you should speak to your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Do antibiotics affect NuvaRing?

Yes, antibiotics can alter the effectiveness of the NuvaRing. You should use another form of contraception whilst on antibiotics to ensure you don't get pregnant.

What is the process for renewing my prescription?

To renew your prescription, activate your repeat prescription through our 'Subscribe & Save' program, select your delivery frequency, and complete your order. Enjoy automatic deliveries and a 10% discount on repeat prescriptions.

Is it safe to buy NuvaRing online?

Yes, buying NuvaRing through HealthExpress is safe. We follow strict UK doctor and pharmacy regulations and only offer genuine medication. NuvaRing will only be prescribed by one of our doctors following an online consultation if treatment is suitable for you. Our secure payment ensures your privacy and safety. HealthExpress is a certified online pharmacy, and our customer service team is available to address any concerns you may have.

Will my order be confidential?

Yes, we will ensure your order is delivered to your chosen address in discreet packaging. The packaging will not have any reference to the brand ‘HealthExpress’ or the contents. Billing will also be discreet.

Is the price inclusive of all costs?

Yes, the price listed is all-inclusive. This means that the price covers the cost of the consultation, prescription, medication, and next-day delivery. There are no surprising hidden fees.

What are the delivery options available?

We offer several delivery options within the UK to ensure you receive your order quickly and securely.

  • Next-day delivery

    : Free with Royal Mail.
  • Nominated-day delivery

    : Free with Royal Mail. Choose your preferred delivery date.

For more information on delivery options, please click here.

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NuvaRing reviews
Box of 3 sachets of NuvaRing 0.120 mg/0.015 mg ethinylestradiol/etonogestrel Excellent 4.7 107 patients have reviewed NuvaRing on Trustpilot
Featured reviews review
  • This product just really agrees with me, I've been using it for years
    and prefer it to the pill or other types of hormonal contraception.

  • it is the best available method of contraception. The least harmful
    for a female body, however it is a bit costly. I am very satisfied. I
    have used it for years. Elena

    Jelena P
  • Low release of hormones, no mood swings no cravings. Been using it for
    more than 5 years now. No need to remember to take it daily or weekly.
    Once a month and you're good.

    Raluca J
  • For me this product is very good. I prefer. this ring than pills. I am
    happy with him and for sure I will use for long term.

    Elena L
  • I’m using it since years and for me it’s perfect I’m not moody
    and everything

    Paula P

Paula P , 09 Aug

Perfect for me


Paula P , 09 Mar

Use it for years it’s the besf


Wiesia J , 08 Nov

The product is very good and everything was ok, I’m glad I found your shop thank you


Biq D , 01 Jun

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Evgeniia K , 10 Apr

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Paula P , 14 Nov

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Biq D , 11 Oct

Very safe and comfortable and healthy!


Paula P , 28 Aug

Super happy I order my stuff there all the time


Dayane , 13 Jul

Verry Good

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